By: Maulana Muhammad A. K. Azad [ Abu Arif Al Alawi ]
Brother Zakir Naik ! You call yourself “ Ahle Sahih Hadeeth” and the basic criterion of your Movement is that only Quran and Sahih Hadeeth deserve to be obeyed and any Scholar’s view carry no value. You say, “ ….anyone says anything about Deen, he should back it up with the reference from Quran and Sahih Hadith” (Ref : . You say,” Any person any Scholar say anything ask of proof……….What Zakir Naik says has no value what Allah says has value…….what I say carry no weight…..any Scholar say anything ask for proof.” [ Ref.].
Brother Zakir Naik ! You call yourself “ Ahle Sahih Hadeeth” and the basic criterion of your Movement is that only Quran and Sahih Hadeeth deserve to be obeyed and any Scholar’s view carry no value. You say, “ ….anyone says anything about Deen, he should back it up with the reference from Quran and Sahih Hadith” (Ref : . You say,” Any person any Scholar say anything ask of proof……….What Zakir Naik says has no value what Allah says has value…….what I say carry no weight…..any Scholar say anything ask for proof.” [ Ref.].
Now, in obedience to your
advice, I would like to demand reference from Quran and Sahih Hadeeth only from
yourself on the following 15 burning issues pertaining to “Fiqh and Massail”. I
Hope you will provide reference and proof in support of your standpoint on
these issues. I assure you that once you provide reference from Quran and saheeh
Hadeeth, I would accept your dawah of Ahle Sahih Hadeeth. But if you fail to
back up your answers with reference from Quran and Sahih Hadeeth, I would
respectfully appeal you to make tawba, stop answering to issues pertaining to
“Fiqh and Massail”and to return to the Ahle Sunnat wa zamaat. [These 15 questions have been sent To Dr. Zakir Naik & his IRF via email at on Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 8:52 AM and at on Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 8:50 AM]
Question No 01 to Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik! You say, “ ….anyone
says anything about Deen, he should back it up with the reference from Quran and Sahih Hadith …, any scholar after he says anything if he does not
refer to these sources, whatever he says, does not carry weight......I request the people, the Muslims to ask references from
their Syuookhs, and if the Suyookh gives references backed up by
proof of (not clear)…the Sahih Hadith, it is the part of Deen. If it is not,
then just by say, my Saykh said so and so or this great scholar said so and so,
that is not sufficient to be part of Deen.”
(Ref : You say,”
Any person any Scholar say anything ask of proof……….What Zakir Naik says has no
value what Allah says has value…….what I say carry no weight…..any Scholar say
anything ask for proof.” [ Ref.].
Brother Zakir Naik ! I am here not to question the
legitimacy of your criterion. My only concern is to learn the truth. I respect
your knowledge. I beg to learn from you, in which verse of
Quran or in which Sahih Hadeeth this criterion is mentioned. Would you kindly
reveal, from Surah Fatiha to Surah An-Nas of Al- Quran------ in
which verse Allah Almighty has instructed this criterion that except Quran and
Sahih Hadeeth nothing deserve any value and that we should call ourselves “
Ahle Sahih Hadeeth ? My dear brother I beg to learn, in which Sahih Hadeeth,
The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has communicated this criterion?
One may question, is there any serious
reason of being concerned about this issue ? Yes, there are
overwhelming reasons for being concerned because it is the very issue on the basis of
which Muslims across the globe are called grave –worshippes, Mushriks and
Kafirs.It is the very issue on the basis of which fatwas of shirk and bidat are imposed indiscriminately on the
Muslims and youths are quarrelling, abusing and fighting each other. .In
every issue, attacking demands are made , “ Show reference from Quran and Sahih
Hadeeth, Quran and Sahih Hadeeth, Quran and saheeh Hadeeth” and as a
consequence Muslim Ummah are on the brink of Civil war. So, this issue needs to
be sorted out at the earliest beacause we have to find out ways to restore
peace, harmony and co-operation. Brother Zakir Naik ! I am
not ashamed in admitting the truth that my knowledge on Quran and Hadeeth
Literature is very poor and I want to learn from you. I Hope you will provide
reference and proof in support of your motto . I’ll wait for your answer
passionately and I assure you that once you provide reference from Quran and
saheeh Hadeeth in support of your movement Ahle Sahih Hadeeth and on your motto
that, “ ….anyone says anything
about Deen, he should back it up with the reference from Quran and Sahih
Hadith” InshaAllah I’ll start following your dawah at once.
But if you fail to back up your movement and motto with reference from Quran
and Sahih Hadeeth, I would respectfully appeal you to make tawba. Allah
Subhanahu Taala says in The Holy quran : Allah Almighty warns : “ Do you order
righteousness to mankind and forget yourselves whereas you read the Book? Then,
have you no sense”[ 2: 25]
No 02 to Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik!
On one hand you criticize four great fiqhi school of thoughts like
Hanafi, Shafie, Maliki and Hanbali arguing that “To create Firqa is haram”. On
the other hand, you say, “I call myself Ahle Sahih Hadith” (Ref : Debate between Dr Naik and Maulana Hamid
Rahmani. Mp3, dr _Zakir_ahlehadees_1. Released by
Now I beg to learn from you, in which verse of Quran or in which Sahih Hadeeth,
instruction has been given to create “Ahle Sahih Hadith” firqa?
No 03 to Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik!
You say, “there are a thousand things I can list which God
almighty can't do ….” (REF: Is Quraan Word of God, from the CD-"Presenting
Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions). Allahu Akbar!
Now I beg to learn from you, in which verse of Quran or in which Sahih
Hadeeth these evil words are written that Allah cannot do a thousand
No 04 to Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik!
You say, “We muslims have got
no objection if anyone calls” Allah as “Brahma”, “Vishnu” etc. (REF: Is Quraan
Word of God, from the CD-"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions)
I beg to learn from you, in which verse of Quran or in which Sahih Hadeeth
permission has been given to call Allah as “Brahma”, “Vishnu” etc?
No 05 to Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik! In a reply to a Christian's question
about Jesus Christ's being Son of Allah, you said that one who
obeys Allah is His son, not by birth but by obedience. You called yourself
too Allah's son as you obey Him. Thus all who obey Allah are,
according to you,are His sons. [ Ref: Zakir naik says IM SON OF GOD]
Now I beg to learn from you, in which verse of Quran or in which Sahih
Hadeeth this explanation is mentioned that one who obeys Allah is His son?
No 06 to Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik!
You say"there are 25 verses in Quran Mazeed where it is written
that Shifa meaning waseelah/ shifaarish is
Haraam". [link: ]
Now I beg to learn from you the 25 verses of Al Quran where wassila is
declared haram. Brother! This statement appears to be a white lie. Would you
kindly oblige us by quoting these 25 Quranic verses? Allah says: Say:
‘People who invent lies against Allah will not be successful.’ (Qur'an 10:69)
No 07 to Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik! You say, “.by definition I am a
jew”. [ Ref: Symposium- religion in the right perspective------"Presenting
Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions ]
Now I beg to learn from you, in which verse of Quran or in which Sahih
Hadeeth permission has been granted to Muslims to call one “jew” by
No 08 to Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik! You say, “.I am a Christian.” [Ref: Symposium-
religion in the right perspective------"Presenting Islaam and
Clarifying Misconceptions ]
Now I beg to learn
from you, in which verse of Quran or in which Sahih Hadeeth permission
has been granted to Muslims to call one Christian.”?
No 09 to Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik! You say, “If you mean
‘a Prophet’ is a person who is chosen and purified, then …...According to Islam,
there are 4 Prophet women, besides Bibi Mariyam and Bibi Asiya (may Allah be
pleased with them) – The other the examples are of Bibi Fatema and Bibi
Khatija, (May Allah be pleased with them both).
Now I beg to learn from you, in which verse of Quran or in which Sahih
Hadeeth licence has been granted to use 'IF' as a weapon
to make one’s own definition of Nabi? I n which verse of Quran or in which Sahih
Hadeeth, it is mentioned that “According to Islam, there are 4
Prophet women” ? Is it not a direct attack on Khatme Nabuwat on the
footsteps of Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani who debated a lot with the Christians and
non-Muslims and later on claimed himself to be a Prophet?
No 10 to Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik! You say, “A man
in paradise will have a hoor that is a beautiful maiden with beautiful big and
lustrous eyes and a woman in paradise will get a man with beautiful big and
lustrous eyes.”[ Ref: (Womens rights in islaam ? modernising
or outdated-- ------"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions
Now I beg to
learn from you, in which verse of Quran or in which Sahih Hadeeth this
explanation is given that “A man in paradise will have a
hoor that is a beautiful maiden with beautiful big and lustrous eyes and a
woman in paradise will get a man with beautiful big and lustrous eyes.”?
No 11 to Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik! You say, “that
there is a hadith in Bukhari, "those people who will conquer
Constantinople they will go heaven and Yazeed was the commander".[
Now I beg
to learn from you the exact reference with Arabic Text from Sahih Bukhari where
it is written that "those people who will conquer Constantinople they will
go heaven and Yazeed was the commander"? Attributing lie to the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa sallam is an unpardonable crime.
Question No 12 to Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF : Brother Zakir Naik
! In an attempt to defend the Salafi viewpoint on Talaq, you said
that : “
Quran Says, Even If Three Talaqs Are Given Together, It’ll Be One Talaq”(Quran kahta hain ki
tin talaq ek sath me bhi denge to ek hi hota hain.”) [ Ref: Dr.
Zakir Naik - Triple Talaq (urdu)]
Now I beg
to learn from you, in which verse Allah Almighty has said that , “Even If Three Talaqs
Are Given Together, It’ll Be One Talaq”? Allah says: Say: ‘People who invent
lies against Allah will not be successful.’ (Qur'an 10:69).
Question No 13 to
Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik!
You use tie and you always try to justify its use. I beg to learn from you, in
which verse of Quran or in which Sahih Hadeeth tie has been declared
Question No 14 to Dr.
Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik!
You are adored by your fans as "Allamatul Muslimin”. I
beg to learn from you, which verse of Quran or which Sahih Hadeeth
justifies the use of this title "Allamatul Muslimin”?
Question No 15 to Dr. Zakir Naik & His IRF: Brother Zakir Naik!
In your programmes, particularly in question-answer sessions, whenever you
finish answering, your followers applaud it by clapping. Some people are of the
view that clapping in this way is unwanted in Islamic programmes. I
beg to learn from you, which verse of Quran or which Sahih Hadeeth
justifies clapping in appreciation of answers by a scholar ?
Brother Zakir Naik ! We will
wait for your response thirstily. Please no logic ! No argument! No
Quarrelling! Only reference, my dear brother as you say, ““Any
person any Scholar say anything ask of proof……….What Zakir Naik says has no
value what Allah says has value…….what I say carry no weight…..any Scholar say
anything ask for proof”. [ Ref.]. Almighty Allah instructs
: “...Say, ‘Produce your evidence if you are telling the truth.’ (Qur'an 2:111).”
If you can’t, in the interest of Muslim Ummah, please just stick to
comparative religion and avoid issues relating to “Fiqh and
Massail” as your answers on these issues only trigger confusion
and turmoil among Muslim Ummah. We would also like to appeal to the
followers of Dr. Zakir Naik to accord the prime importance to
the Unity of the Ummah and not to stick to hero-worship.
Wa Maa Alaina Illal Balagh.