Author : Maulana Muhammad A K Azad [Abu Arif Al Alawi]
Praise be to Allaah. Fierce sectarianism and militant
Kharizism are the biggest threats to
Islam today. These two are major hurdles to the social, economical and political progress of the Muslim Ummah . New groups, new jama’ats and new theories are coming
into being on weekly basis. Whenever a new sect is formed, the founder of
the sects and his close associates make sure that they identify themselves
differently from other Muslim sects. They take lot of pain in alienating
themselves from the practices of other sects. They claim that only those who
follow their sect are true Muslims and that the others are virtually or wholly
disbelievers .
Zakir Naik
confesses countless sub-sects of Salafis : Unfortunately
Dr. Zakir Naik who is hailed by some people as “ Allamatul Muslimeen” has , in
lieu of promoting intra -sectarian unity
among the Muslim Ummah, himself founded a new
sub-firqa “ Ahle Sahih Hadeeth”. Dr. Naik and his Salafi mentors accuse Ahle Sunnat Wa Zamaat of being
firqaparast for following four different Fiqh School of Thoughts namely Hanafi,
Shafii, Maliki and Hanbali although these four are only Fiqh School of Thoughts
and not firqas. The astonishing fact is that Kharizis who call ahle Sunnat Wa
Zamaat firqaparast , themselves are divided into countless sub-firqas and each
one is calling others Kafir. Zakir Naik is well aware of this amazing firwaparasti phenomenon of his sect
but instead of removing this firqaparast
phenomenon, this so-called champion of Muslim unity, himself has set up his own
firqa “ Ahle Sahih Hadeeth.” Before exposing Zakir naik’s new sect “ Ahle Sahih
Hadeeth”. Let us go through the startling
confession of Zakir Naik about countless sub-sects of Salafism and their
imposing fatwa of Kufr against each other. Dr
Naik says:
“ I love him (Albani). I revere him
but no taqleed. Taqleed belongs to Allah and His Rasul. This ( Albani's
explanation of Salafi) is logic. This is Qiyas. I
say,prove to me from Quran and Sunnah , not from logic.......Don't debate with
me. Prove to me from Quran and Sunnah. Immediately Dr Zakir Naik will accept..... in debating Alhamdulillah Allah has
blessed me......... My
question is which Salafi? Which Salafi? Are you Qutubi? Are you Sururi? Are you
Madkhali? I can name another Salafis.......If you go to U.K., MashaAllah,
SubhanAllah, Allahu Akbar. There are so many groups in U.K. each group fighting
against the other calling the other Salafiya KAFIR........In Mumbai where I
come from, there are two Ahle Hadeeth-------Zamiate Ahle Hadeeth and Gurba Ahle
Hadeeth. To which Ahle Hadeeth should I belong to?.......I went to Kashmir.
There are many groups in Ahle Hadeeth. I went to Kerala. Muzahidin.Muzahidin.
K.N.M. Kerala Nadwatul Muzahidin. There people don't call themselves Ahle
Hadeeth. Muzahidin. If you go to Saudi Arabia, and say I am Ahle Hadeeth....
very few people of the Saudiwho is Ahle Hadeeth for them , they know Salafi, in
some country Ansaris......" [Ref :
.Dr Zakir Naik Talks About Salafi`s Ahl-e-hadith. By Milkshaykh 01. SAHADAH
Regarding firqaparasti of Salafis, Correct Islamic Faith
International Association writes : “The title SALAFI is applied to
who worship a Planetary
human-like-Idol ( المعبود الكواكب مثل الإنسان ) and call it Allah (Astaghfiruallah). There are hundreds of Salafi Groups in
the world. Followers of all these Groups claim that
they are Muslims. However, we fail to understand their claim because every Salafi Group calls itself as
'victorious group' (at-Ta'ifat-ul-Mansurah) and 'the saved group'
(al-Firqat-un-Najiyah) and accuses the other Salafi Group as apostate
(Kafir). It is a very strange situation with these Groups.”
Correct Islamic Faith International Association further writes: “ There
are hundreds of Salafi (neo Khariji) Groups. Information on these
groups is available on Internet, Print Media and other published resources.
Prominent among them
are as follows
(2) Najdaatis,
(3) Thu'aalabahs,
(4) Ajaaridahs,
(5) Zariqahs,
(6) Abaadhiyyas
(7) Safriyyas
(8) Ash-Sharaahs
(9) Khamariyyas,
(10) Huooriyyas
(11) Shyaybiyyas
(12) Ibaathiyyas,
(13) Shamraakhiyyas,
(14) Salaydiyyahs,
(15) Sirriyyahs,
(16) Azriyyahs,
(17) Ajradiyyahs,
(18) Shakkiyyas,
(19) Fadhaliyyahs,
(20) Bayhasiyyahs,
(21) Atwiyyahs,
(22) Fadeekiyyahs,
(23) Jadiyyahs,
(24) Ibadi Salafis,
(25) Nafusa Salafis,
(26) Hinawis Salafis,
(27) Ghaffiri Salafis,
(28) Mzabi Salafis,
(29) Jerba Salafis,
(30) Modernist or Neo Salafis
(31) Madkhali, or Super Salafis,
(32) Conventional or Najdi or Wahhabi
(33) Jihadi Salafis,
(34) Qutubi Salafis,
(35) Laskar Jihad Salafis (followers of Ja'far Umar Talib),
(36) Al-Bani Salafis,
(37) Academic Salafis,
(38) GSPC Algerian Salafis,
(39) Murji Salafis,
(40) Talafi Salafis,
(41) Ma'ribi Salafis,
(42) Hizbi Salafis,
(43) Khariji Salafis,
(44) Takfiri Salafis,
(45) Nasibi Salafis,
(46) Ghloovi Salafis,
(47) Qawmi Salafis,
(48) Taqleedi Salafis,
(49) Asabi Salafis,
(50) Nation of Islam Salafis,
(51) Ahle Hadith Salafis,
(52) Deo Bandi Salafis,
(53) Nadwatul Ulema Salafis,
(54) Ilyasi Salafis or Tabhlighee Salafis,
(55) Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Salafis,
(56) Jamiat-e-Ulema Hind Salafis,
(57) Millat-e-Islamia Salafis,
(58) Israri Salafis or Tanzeem-e-Islami
(59) Islahi Salafis, (followers of Amin Islahi
(60) Ikhwan-ul-Muslimeen Salafis,
(61) Jamaah Islamiya Salafis,
(62) Darul Islam Salafis
(63) Jam'iya al-Salafiya al-Mujahida Salafis
(64) Islamic Salvation Front Salafis
(65) Maududi Salafis or Jamat-e-Islami Salafis,
(66) Ansar As-Sunnah Salafis,
(67) Tehrik-e-Taaliban Salafis,
(68) Zaakiri Salafis or IRF Salafis (followers of
Zakir Naik),
(69) Jama't-ud-Dawa Salafis,
(70) Lashkar-e-Taiba Salafis,
(71) Nabhani Salafis or Hizb ut-Tahreer Salafis,
(72) Jamiyya Salafis,
(73) Invitation to Paradise Salafis
(74) Hussami Salafis (Followers of Aqil Hussami),
(75) Ta'meer-e-Millat Salafis,
(76) Tafweedi Salafis,
(77) Sahwi Salafis, etc.
(78) Islamist Salafis,
(79) Tauseefi Salafis (followers of Tauseefur
(80) Pathless Salafis (Non Arabs living in Saudi Arabia)
(81) Athari Salafis,
(82) Jamat-ul-Muslimeen Salafis,
(83) Guraba-e-Ahle-Hadith Salafis,
(84) Thanaiyah Salafis,
(85) Al-Maqdisi Salafis,
(86) At-Tawheed wal Jihad Salafis,
(87) Al-Wala' wal Bara Salafis,
(88) Mean Green Salafis,
(89) Almost Salafis,
(90) Yemeni Salafis,
(91) Kung Fu Salafis,
(92) Bidda Salafis,
(93) Red Beard Salafis,
(94) Blood Salafis,
(95) Maxican Salafis,
(96) Jordanian Salafis,
(97) Canadian True blue
(98) Sipah-e-Sahabah Salafis,
(99) Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Salafis,
(100) Harakat-e-Inqilab-e-Islami Salafis,
(101) Harakat-ul-Ansar Salafis,
(102) Hizb-ul-Mujahideen Salafis,
(103) Counterfeit Salafis,
(104) Al-Shabab Salafis,
(105) Jund Ansar Allah Salafis,
(106) Jaysh Al-Islam Salafis,
(107) Jaysh Al-Umma Salafis,
(108) Nour Salafis,
(109) Freedom and Justice Salafis,
(110) Deobandi Army of Islam Salafis,
(111) International Islamic Front
(112) Freedom and Justice Salafis,
(113) Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI)
(114) Jamiat-ul-Hekma Salafis,
(115) Al-Ehsan Salafis,
(116) Al-Sururi Salafis, (followers of Al-Sururi)
(117) Islamic Heritage Restoration Salafis,
(118) Islah Salafis,
(119) Al-Ahdi Salafis (followers of Faysl
(120) Muqbil Salafis, (followers of Muqbil Al-Wadi)
(121) Independent Yemeni Salafis,
(122) Kuwaiti Islamists Salafis,
(123) Purists Indonesian Salafis,
(124) Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), Salafis,
(125) Darul Islam Salafis,
(126) Jemaah Islamia Salafis,
(127) Strict Indonesian Salafis,
(128) Wahda Islamiyya Salafis,
(129) Mohammadiyah Salafis,
(130) Persatuan Islam (Persis) Salafis,
(131) Al-Irsyad Salafis,
(132) Dewan Dakwah Islam Indonesia (DDII) Salafis,
(133) Mutamar al-Alam al-Islami Salafis,
(134) Rabithah al-Alam al-Islami Salafis,
(135) LIPIA Salafis,
(136) Pesantren Salafis,
(137) Nida Salafis (followers of Abu Nida)
(138) FKASWJ (Forum Komunikasi ASWJ) Salafis
(139) Al-Sofwa Salafis,
(140) At-Turots Salafis,
(141) IREF Indian Salafis,
(142) Kumpula Muhahidin Malaysia (KMM) Salafis,
(143) Parti Se-Islam Malaysia (PAS) Salafis,
(144) Brotherhood of Inner Power (Al-Maunah) Salafis,
(145) Darul Islam Nusantara Salafis,
(146) ABIM Malaysian Salafis,
(147) Al-Arqam Salafis,
(148) Reformasi Salafis,
(149) Islamic Algerian Salafis,
(150) Sayyafi Salafis (followers of Abu Sayyaf),
(151) Moro Islamic Liberation Front Salafis,
(152) Australian Salafis,
(153) Al-Muhajiroun Salafis,
(154) UK Saved Sect Salalfis
(155) UK Al-Ghuraba Salafis,
(156) Takfiri Algerian Salafis,
(157) Jam'iyyah Ihyaa Turaath Al-Islami Salafis,
(158) Jam'iyyah Ihyaa Minhaj as-Sunnah Salafis,
(159) Salafi Publications (OASIS) Salafis,
(160) Tajik Salafis,
(161) Al-Ansar Tabhlighee Salafis,
(162) Jamiatul Ansar Salafis,
(163) Harakatul Mujahideen Salafis,
(164) Harakatul Jihad al-Islami (Huji)
Salafis, etc.
Some of the above groups like
Ibadis, Deobandis, Tabhlighees, Maududis, Islahis etc., try to
maintain their independent identity, even though their beliefs are heavily
influenced by Wahhabi/Salafi teachings.”
[ Courtsey : Let us correct our
Islamic Faith]
of Civil War among the Salafis:
Salafis and their countless sub-sects are engazed in overwhelming civil war. Please look
how they are imposing fatwa against each other:
Brother Zakir himself is
an well-known Wahabi-Salafi preacher.Extensive propagation of Salafism is
carried out by IRF by their Sattellite Peace TV Channels; Cable TV Networks and
public lectures. In addition, they have trained thousand of preachers to spread
wahabism in the name of Islam across the globe and in his mission he is
sponsored by Saudi Monarchy. yet, this MBBBS doctor’s group {Zakiris} and
Salafis are biting each other.Yaheea Al-Hazoorie, renowned Wahabi- Salafi
sholar condemned in many of his writings and declare his dawah as the ‘Dawah of
Shaytan’.Al-Hazoorie also says :This [Mr. Zakir's] Dawah is a mixture of
Judaism, hinduism, Christianity, Rafidhiya(Shias),Ikhwaniah(zamati isalmietc.)
and Aqlaniyyah(rationalists/those speak with logics) there is no distinction between
haq and batil.Another Wahabi-Salafi scholar Abdul Hamid rahmani in his debate
with Zakir Bhai MBBS came down heavily on him simply because he refuses to be
called by the name of Ahle Hadith sect.THe evidence of these fatwas and similar
other fatwas are available in the Wahabi Website What a pity! Leaders are showering fatwas against
him and the poor common ahle-hadithes, particularly general educated youths,are
adoring him! Discuss in front of these unfortunate persons aboot WaliAllahs.
They will taunt you.Discuss in front of them about sahabas and ahle Bait. They
will taunt you.Discuss in front of them about Rasulullah’s(PBUH) Muzizahs.They
will say, you are worshipping him.But take the name of mr. Naik. THey will be
beamed in joy.Their praise for him will exceed all bouundaries. It deserves to be
mentioned here that this Zakir Bhai MBBS had come under fire from Scholars of
Ahle Sunnat Wa zamaat.Deobadi scholars also have fatwas against him.More than
20 fatwas of Kufr were issued by the Shariah Board of America against him.
Zamatul Muslemeen and Salafis
are slinging mud only over their names.How ludicrous! Over the issue of Tawheed
al Hakimiyyah, some Wahabis are calling other wahabis Bidati. Saikh
Uthaiman,for example,says:” Whoever claims that ther is a fourth category of
tawhid under the title tawheed al hakimiyyah is to be counted as an
innovator”.Al muslimoon, may,97.
After the 1991 Gulf war, thrre
new trends of wahabism came into forefront. 1. The anti-political pro saudi
sect identifying itself with Saudi Scholar Rabi Al madkhali. 2.The political
and mildly anti-SAudi sect identifying itself with Safar Al Hawali.3. Various
Salafi-wahabi Zihadi groups. each set accuses the other of strying from true
Salafism. albani, Baz, Uthaiman. all supported al Madkhalee. He pointed at a
few famous Salafi scholars such as Shaikh Salman Al Awda. Shaikh Safara Al
Hawali,Shaikh Saleh al Munazzid et….and said: “They were all deviants.” Falih
said: “Shaykh Rabbi is a liar, a charlatan, a wild beast, he is sucha dog that
bites, all innovators are with him…….”
May Allah Save Muslim Ummah from the firqaparast Kharizi Bidati Salafi- Ahle Hadeeth Fitna !
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