Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Prophet Muhammad [ Peace Be Upon Him] In The Bible & Christian Conspiracy To Suppress The Truth.

By: Maulana Muhammad A. K. Azad [ Abu Arif Al Alawi ]

[‘Jesus predicted coming of Prophet Mohammed’ in Bible found in Turkey.The text, reportedly worth $22 million, is said to contain Jesus’ prediction of the Prophet’s coming but was suppressed by the Christian Church for years. (Al Arabiya)]

                       THE   ALMIGHTY  Allah took pledge from each Prophet that if Rasulullah ( PBUH ) were sent in his lifetime, he would bring iman on him  and  would support him. He also commanded each Prophet  to take a pledge from his Nation that if Rasulullah (PBUH) were sent in their lifetime, they would bring Iman on him (PBUH). So, Each Prophet took pledge from his Ummah in this regard and Hazrat Isa (A) is not exception. But,his followers  took a voltaface and in order to deny Rasulullah (PBUH) they even changed their Holy book. But they failed to suppress truth. Truth prevailed in the form of THE GOSPEL OF BARNABAS. Muslim Scholars have done exhaustive research and silenced the Christian Missionaries . As a consequence, many a Christian desrted Christianity and embraced Islaam. The following research work is based on “ ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY” by Great Turkey Scholar M SIDDIK GUMUS.

                    A book entitled the Injil was revealed to Hadrat Îsâ. But the Jews eradicated the book within eighty years. TheHoly Bible which appeared later and is now considered the Christians’ holy book sent by Allâhu ta’âlâ consists of two parts. The “OldTestament” contains the dispensations of Prophets that had appeared before Hadrat Îsâ, particularly the Mosaic dispensation. The“New Testament” includes the four books written by his followers Matthew, Mark, Luke and his apostle Johnthat contain information about the life of Jesus, his deeds and admonitions. The great stringency observed in the
 recording of the Qur’ân al-kerîm was not observed in the
preparation of the Bible. Many wrong thoughts, fables, and sillytales were added to the truth. There is detailed information about the Bible in the Arabic books
Risâla-i Samsâmiyya by professor hâji Abdullah Abdi Bey from Manastır (d. 1303/1885)and in the Turkish book
Izâh-ul-Meram, both of which are printed works. Nevertheless, gospels in close proximity to the real Bibles are known to exist today.

          The most important of these isThe Gospel of Barnabas. Barnabas was a Jew born in Cyprus. His real name was Joseph. He was one of the leading followers of Jesus and possessed an important post among the apostles. His nickname, Barnabas, means “a person who gives advice and encourages good deeds.” The Christian world knows Barnabas as a great saint who together with Saint Paul was a man who set out to propagate Christianity. The Christians celebrate June 11th as Saint Paul’s day. Barnabas wrote down exactly what he had heard and learned from Hadrat Îsâ. Barnabas’ book and
other Bibles were popular and were read during the first three hundred years of Christianity. In the year 325, when the first Nicene (Iznik) Council decided to abolish all the Bibles written in the Hebrew language, Barnabas’ Bible was destroyed too.

           This was accomplished by officially threatening to kill anyonewho kept or read the Bibles other than the four booksauthorized. The other Bibles were translated into Latin, butBarnabas’ Bible suddenly disappeared. Pope Damasus got acopy of Barnabas’ Bible by chance in the year 383 and kept it inhis papal library. Until the year 993 (1585), Barnabas’ Bible remained in that library. In that year Fra Marino, a friend of Pope Sixtus, saw the book there and developed a deep interest in it. (Fra means brother and monk in Italian.) This was because Fra Marino knew that around the year 160 Iraneus (130-200), one of the leading exponents of Christianity, had put forward
the belief that “there is only one God, and Jesus is not the son of God.” Iraneus had also said: “Saint Paul wanted to introduce the wrong idea of the Trinity into the Christian creed because he had been influenced by the Roman custom of worshipping many gods.”

             Fra Marino also knew that Iraneus had referred to Barnabas’ Bible as a proof in his criticism against Saint Paul. For this reason, Fra Marino read Barnabas’ Bible with the utmost attention and translated it into Italian between the years 1585-1590. After changing many hands, this Italian manuscript came into the possession of Cramer, one of the counsellors to the King of Prussia. In 1120 (1713), Cramer presented this valuable manuscript to Prince Eugene de Savoie (1663-1736), who had established a great reputation in Europe for having
defeated the Turks at Zanta and for having taken back Hungary and the fortress of Belgrade. After Prince Eugene’s death, Barnabas’ Bible, together with the rest of his private library, was transferred to the Royal Library (Hofbibliothek) in Vienna in 1738.

         Two Britons, Mr. and Mrs. Ragg, who first found the Italian translation of Barnabas’ Bible in the Royal library, translated it into English and that translation was printed in Oxford in 1325 (1907). Strange to say, this translation mysteriously disappeared from the market. Only one copy of the translation exists in the British Museum and another one is in the Library of the U.S. Congress in Washington. With great effort, theQur’anic Council of Pakistan managed to reproduce theEnglish version in 1973. The following passages have been taken from that book:

              From the seventieth chapter of Barnabas’ book: “Jesus answered: ‘And ye; what say ye that I am?’ Peter answered: ‘Thou art Christ, son of God.’ Then was Jesus angry, and with anger rebuked him, saying: ‘Begone and depart from me,because thou art the devil and seekest to cause me offence!’And he threatened the eleven, saying: ‘Woe to you if ye believe this, for I have won from God a great curse against those who
believe this.’ ”

      The seventy-first chapter states: “Then said Jesus: ‘A God liveth, I am not able to forgive sin, nor is any man, but God alone forgiveth.’ ”

     The seventy-second chapter says:“As for me, I am now  come to the world to prepare the way for the messenger of God, who shall bring salvation to the world. But beware that ye be not deceived, for many false prophets shall come, who shall take my words and contaminate my gospel.’ Then said Andrew: ‘Master, tell us some sign, that we may know him.’ Jesus answered: ‘He will not come in your time, but will come some years after you, when my gospel shall be annulled, insomuch
that there shall be scarcely thirty faithful. At that time God will have mercy on the world, and so He will send his real
messenger, over whose head will rest a white cloud. He shall come with great power against the ungodly, and shall destroy idolatry upon the earth, and punish the idolaters. And it rejoicethme because that through him our God shall be known andglorified, and I shall be known to be true; and he will execute vengeance against those who shall say that I am more than man...’ ”

          In the ninety-sixth chapter it writes:“Jesus answered: ‘Iam not the Messiah, whom all the tribes of the earth expect,even as God promised to our father Abraham. But when God shall take me away from the world, Satan will raise again this accursed sedition, by making the impious believe that I am God and son of God. Whence my words and my doctrine shall be contaminated, insomuch that scarcely shall there remain thirty faithful ones; whereupon God will have mercy upon the world,
 and will send His messenger for whom He hath made all things; who shall come from the south with power, and shall destroy the idols with the idolaters; who shall take away the dominion from Satan which he hath over men. He shall bring with him the mercy of God for the salvation of them that shall believe in him, and blessed is he who shall believe his words.’ ”

     From the ninety-seventh chapter : “Then said the priest:‘How shall the Messiah be called and what sign shall reveal his coming?’ Jesus answered: ‘The name of the Messiah is admirable, for God himself gave him the name when He had created his soul, and placed it in a celestial splendour. God said: “Wait Mohammed; for thy sake I will to create paradise,the world, and a great multitude of creatures, whereof I make thee a present, insomuch that whoso shall bless thee shall be blessed, and whososhall curse thee shall be accursed. When I
shall send thee into the world I shall send thee as my
messenger of salvation, and thy word shall be true, insomuch that heaven and earth shall fail, but thy faith shall never fail.”Ahmad is his blessed name.’ Then the crowd lifted up their voices, saying: ‘O God, send us thy messenger; O Ahmad come quickly for the salvation of the world!”

          The hundred and twenty-eighth chapter states:
“Accordingly, brethren, I, a man, dust and clay, that walk upon the earth, say unto you: Do penance and know your sins. I say,brethern, that Satan, by means of the Roman soldiery, deceived you when ye said that I was God. Wherefore, beware that ye believe them not, seeing they are under the curse of God.”

         From the hundred and thirty-sixth chapter:
“This chapter after giving information about Hell, tells how Hadrat Muhammad (’alaihi ’s-salâm) will save his followers from Hell.”

         From the hundred and sixty-third chapter: “The disciples answered: ‘O master, who shall that man be of whom thou speakest, who shall come into the world? Jesus answered with joy of heart. ‘He is Ahmad, messenger of God, and when he cometh into the world, even as the rain maketh the earth to bear fruit when for a long time it hath not rained, even so shall he be an occasion for good works among men, through the abundant mercy which he shall bring. For he is a white cloud full of the mercy of God, which mercy of God shall sprinkle upon the faithful like rain.’ ”

         The Gospel of Barnabas gives the following informationabout the last days of Hadrat Îsâ (’alaihi ’s-salâm), chapters 215-222: “When the Roman soldiers came into the house to arrest Hadrat Îsâ, he was taken out through the window by Kerûbiyyun (four great angels: Gabriel, Michael, Rafael, and Uriel), and they took him up into heaven since they were ordered by Allâhu ta’âlâ to do that. The Roman soldiers arrested Yahûd (Judas), who was leading them, saying, “You are Îsâ.” In spite of all his denials, pleadings and entreaties, they took him by force to a cross which had been prepared, and crucified him. Then, Hadrat Îsâ came into the sight of his mother, Mary (Maryam) and his apostles (hawârîs). He said toMary: ‘Mother! You see I have not been crucified. Instead of
me, the treacherous Judas (Yahûda) has been crucified anddied. Stay away from Satan! He will make every effort to deceive humanity. I will call you as my witnesses for all thethings that you have heard and seen.’ Then, he prayed to Allâhu ta’âlâ for the salvation of the faithful, and for the
conversion of sinners. He turned to his disciples and said: ‘May God’s grace and mercy be with you.’ Then before their eyes the four angels carried him up into heaven.”

         As it is seen, Barnabas’ Bible informs us about the advent of the last Prophet (’alaihi ’s-salâm), six hundred or a thousand years before his coming, and mentions only one God. It rejectsTrinity. European encyclopedias give the following information about Barnabas’ Bible: “A manuscript, introduced as Barnabas’ Bible,but a false book written by an Italian who was converted to Islam in the fifteenth century.”

             This explanation is totally wrong, in the light of the following information: Barnabas’ Bible was excommunicated and annihilated in the third century, i.e., three hundred or seven hundred years before Hadrat Muhammad’s (’alaihi ’s-salâm) coming. This means to say that even in those times there were discourses on the advent of another Prophet, which contradicted the concept of three gods and which did not suit the bigotry of fanatical Christians. Moreover, for it to have been written by a person who had been converted to Islam before its beginning is out of the question. On the other hand, the Italian translator Fra Marino was a Catholic monk, and we have no proofs at hand to claim that he had been converted to Islam.

          Therefore, a motive cannot be found for him to have translated the Bible differently from its original. It should not be forgotten that long ago, that is, between the Christian years 300 and 325,many significant Christian men of religion denied that Hadrat’Îsâ was the son of Allah and referred to Barnabas’ Bible to prove that ’Îsâ was a man like us. Of them, the most preeminent was Luchian, the Bishop of Antioch. And Luchian’sdisciple, Arius (270-336), was even more famous. Arius was excommunicated by Alexander, (d. 328), the Bishop of Alexandria, who later became the Patriarch of Istanbul. Uponthis, Arius went to his friend Eusabios, the Bishop of Nicene İznik). Arius had so many adherents around him that even Constantine, the Emperor of Byzantium, and his sister joinedthe Arian sect. Also, Honorius, who was the pope during the time of Hadrat Muhammad (’alaihi ’s-salâm), conceded that
Hadrat Îsâ was only a human being and that it was wrong to believe in three gods. (Pope Honorius, who died in 630, was officially cursed [anathematized] by the Spiritual Council that assembled in Istanbul in 678, 48 years after his death.) In 1547, L.F.M. Sozzini, influenced by Camillo, a Sicilian priest, appealed to the Frenchman Jean Calvin (1509-1564), who was one of the most outstanding religious authorities of Christendom and the founder of Calvinism, and challenged him, saying: “I do not believe in Trinity.” He also said that he preferred the Arian doctrine and rejected the theory of the “Original Sin.” (This sin is said to be the Prophet Adam’s major sin, and the reason why Hadrat Îsâ had been sent to this world as an atonement for that sin). This is a principle doctrine of Christianity. His cousin, F.P.Sozzini, published a book in 1562, and therein he categorically rejected the deity of Jesus. In 1577, Sozzini moved to the city of Klausenburg, Transylvania, because Sigismund, the leader of that country, was against the doctrine of Trinity.

         Also, Bishop Francis Davis (1510-1579) of the same country was utterly against Trinity and had established a sect denying Trinity.Because this sect was established in the city of Rocow, Poland, its adherents were called
Racovians. They all believed Arius. We add these historical facts into this small book of ours for the purpose of providing its readers with an awareness that the existing Gospels have lost their credibility in the eyes of many
 Christian clergy, who acknowledge that the Gospel of Barnabas is the only true Bible. This insurrection seems to have goaded the Popes and their associates into an assiduous activity to liquidate the Gospel of Barnabas.

          However, despite all the efforts towards falsification, it is still written in various Bibles, which the Christians have today, that another Prophet will come after Jesus (’Îsâ [’alaihi ’s-salâm]). For example, it is written in the 12th and 13th verses of the 16th chapter of John’s Gospel:

       “I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now.” “Howbeit when he, the
Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: ...” (John: 16-12, 13) This message in John’s Gospel is similarly repeated in a slightly different manner on the 885th page of the Turkish translation from its Hebrew origin of the Holy Bible, published in Istanbul and printed in Boyajiyan Agop’s printing house in 1303 (1886) by American and English Companies that publish the Bible. It says on that page as follows: “My departure from the world is more beneficial for you, because, he, who will be consoling you, will not come before I go. When he comes he will purge the world of sins, and establish salvation and order. I still have many things to tell you. But you cannot endure them now.

             However, when he, the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you to the truth. He will not utter his own words, but will tell what is revealed, and he will inform you about the things to happen in the future. He will confirm my way and communicate the same.”The word “he” in the passage above is interpreted in the translations of the Bible as “Ghost” or “Holy Ghost,” whereas its Latin origin writes it as “Paraclet” which means “consoler” in Latin. This means to say that despite all their efforts, they have not been able to erase the statement “after me a consoling person will come” from the Bible. Moreover, it is stated in verses 8 to13 of the 13th chapter of The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians, which is one of the letters written by Paul and accepted as a part of the Holy Bible by Christians:

      “Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease [e.g. Latin and old Greek]; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away [like that of the Middle ages].” “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.” “But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.” (1 Cor: 13-8 to 10) This exact excerpt exists on the 944th page of the Turkish book.
Kitâb-ı Mukaddes (Holy Bible). Therefore, Christians
have to believe that there are reports about the advent of a final Prophet in today’s Bibles, which they believe to be true books. An English translation of the Gospel of Barnabas is available at the following ten places.
The Bible was formerly in the Hebrew language. In the

Middle Ages, it was translated into Latin and entitled “Itala.”

              When Christianity began to spread, pagans and Jews stood against it. So much so that the Christians had to keep their faith a secret. They worshipped in temples which were built under ground, in caves, in mountains, and in other secret places. The Jews, in spite of all their treachery and oppression, could not prevent Christianity from spreading. Saul, a preeminent Jew and one of the greatest enemies of Christianity, pretented to be a Christian assigned by Hadrat Jesus with the task of inviting all nations, except the Jews, to become Christians. [See chapter 9 of “The Acts of the Apostles” in the Bible.] He changed his name to Paul. He pretended to be a pious Christian so that he could corrupt Christianity from within. The concept of “Oneness” was replaced by “Trinity.” Îsâism (“Jesusism”) became Christianity. He falsified the Bible. He preached that Jesus Christ was the son of God. He made it permissible for Christians to drink wine and to eat pork. He changed the direction of their qibla towards the east so that it faced the rising sun. He also introducted many other falsities which were not previously communicated by Christ (’alaihi ’s-salâm). Eventually
his corrupt ideas began to spread among the Christians.
Consequently, they divided into various sects. They deviated from the teaching of Îsâ (alaihi’s-salam), and in their place they made up silly fables. They made imaginary pictures and statues of Hadrat ’Îsâ (Jesus [’alaihi ’s-salâm]). They accepted and adopted the cross as their religious emblem (symbol). They began to worship these statues and the cross. In other words, they reverted to paganism. They considered Hadrat Îsâ (Jesus [’alaihi ’s-salâm]) to be the son of God. However, the Prophet
 Jesus had never said such a thing to them; he had only
mentioned the Rûh al-Quds, i.e., the supernatural power
endowed upon him by Allâhu ta’âlâ. Believing in the divinity of Jesus, who was believed to be the son of God, and in the Rûh al-Quds (Holy Ghost) along with the belief in God, caused themto stray from the belief in the one, unchanging Creator, whichhas been the basis of all the true religions, and to lapse into the ridiculous state of worshipping three deities, called “Trinity.”

                 After Christianity had become the official religion of various major states, there began the chaotic period of the Middle Ages. The principles of benevolence, compassion, and affection were completely forgotten. In place of them, Christians adopted bigotry, resentment, hatred, enmity and cruelty. They practiced unimaginable cruelty in the name of Christianity. They tried to destroy all the works of the ancient Greek and Roman civilisations. They became hostile to knowledge and science.They accused Jeanne d’arc (Joan of Arc), who had been struggling for the freedom of her country, of being a magician; consequently, they burned her alive. It is written in Kâmus-ala’lâm and Larousse that with the encouragement of Calvin, one of the founders of Protestanism, they burned alive Michel Serve in 1553, who was a Spanish doctor and theologist and had written a book disapproving Trinity and the divinity of  Hadrat Îsâ (Jesus Christ [’alaihi ’s-salâm]). By establishing the hair-raising tribunal called the Inquisition, they killed by various means of torture hundreds of thousands of people unjustly, claiming these people to be “irreligious” in order to obtain their wealth. They ascribed to the clergy the power of“redemption,” which belongs to Allâhu ta’âlâ only. Consequently, the clergy redeemed people from their sins in return for money.

                Furthermore, they sold parcels from Paradise. As for the popes, who occupied the highest religious rank, they almost dominated the entire world. By excommunicating even kings under various pretexts, they forced kings to come to them and beg for forgiveness. In the year 1077 A.D., the German King HenryIV, who came to Canossa seeking forgiveness from Pope Gregory, who had excommunicated him, waited barefooted in front of the Pope’s palace day after day in the winter, as the season was. The most vicious criminals were among the popes themselves. One of them Borgia, poisoned his opponents and their adherents with various poisons and usurped their property. He committed all sorts of abominations. He cohabited with his sister as husband and wife. But, he was still deemed a sacredand innocent pope. Preposterous rules were inserted into Christianity, such as no marriage for clergymen, no divorce for
 married couples, confession, and redemption. In fact, it was deemed a sin to live on earth.

       The religion of Islam, whose advent had taken place in theseventh century, began to shine like a halo in that darkness. As we will see in the following discourse on Islam, this exalted religion, which is totally based on the most normal, most logical, and most humane principles, easily and immediately gained recognition against reprobated Christianity. It was welcomed with enthusiasm by the wise. Muslims who were deeply and reverently interested in knowledge and science, studied very
 hard, as a result of following the orders of Allâhu ta’âlâ and His Messenger (sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam). They added many new findings to every branch of science and educated many geniuses in every field. Today, the words CHEMISTRY andALGEBRA (Kimyâ and Jebr) are Arabic in origin. And this itself with many other examples clearly indicates how Arab Muslims served scientific knowledge.
. Hirschfeld, a thinker of world-wide fame said, “No other nation has become so civilized so rapidly as the Arabs did by accepting Islam.”

       While the Christian world represented the pitch darkness of a dungeon and made life a bitter torment for people during the Middle Ages, Islam presented facilities for living in comfort, joy and peace to the human race. Consequently, in order to obtain wealth by usurping the property and money in Muslim countries, Christians attacked Muslims and organized crusade expeditions with a pretext to recover Jerusalem, which they deemed sacred (1096-1270).

                In those crusade expeditions, they shed much Muslim blood unjustly. When they invaded Jerusalem, the stream of blood from the Muslims they massacred in mosques, as they themselves confess, reached the abdomens of their horses. On the other hand, Salâhaddîn
 (Saladin) Eyyûbî showed great magnanimity towards the Christians, when he recaptured Jerusalem from them. His largeheartedness was so great that he set free the King of England, Richard the Lion-Hearted (Richard, Coeur de Lion), whom he had taken captive. Also, the expeditions carried out against the Ottoman Empire were considered crusades against the Muslims by some furious, fanatical Christians. A French historian was so insolent as to describe the Balkan War, 1912-1913, as “the greatest crusade expedition.”

            Indian Rahmatullah Effendi (rahima-hullâhu ta’âlâ)
 silenced the British Protestant priests in various debates held in Delhi in 1270 (1854) and again in Istanbul. He wrote a book containing this great victory, which he won against the priests, and his answers to them in Istanbul. It was published in two Arabic volumes under the name
Izhâr-ul-haq in 1280 (1864). It has recently been reproduced in Egypt. The Turkish translation of its first volume was published with the same title in Istanbul,
 and the Turkish translation of its second volume, under the name Ibrâz-ul-haq, was published in Bosna in 1293 (1877). English, French, Gujratî, Urdu and Persian translations of it were also published. The Arabic book Tuhfat-ul-arîb by Abdullah-i Tarjumân, the Persian book Mîzân-ul-mevâzîn written by Najaf Alî in Istanbul in 1288 (1871), the book Arradd- ul-jamîl by Imâm-ı Ghazâlî (rahmatullâhi ’alaih), and the book As-sirât-ul mustakîm by Ibrâhîm Fasîh Haydarî, are valuable Islamic books which refute the slanders and lies in the so-called
Torah and Bible with many proofs. These books have
been published by offset process by HAKÎKAT K İTÂBEVİ,Istanbul, Turkey.


1 comment:

  1. The question that most of us ask now, arose before during the time of Muhammad s.a.w; preaching the words of God onto Arabia. Was Muhammad mentioned? This was the question by inhabitants of Arabia towards Jews that embraced Islam. And if we refer to the claim by past Jewish converts, they had quote verses from Isaiah 42.

    If we look at the passages in Isaiah. God address His chosen servants with their names, and in the prophesied verse we see God mention clearly the prophet’s name. Some examples of God mentioning His servant by name.

    (My Servant Isaiah, My Servant Eliakim, David My Servant, Jacob My Servant, My Servant Israel, and so in Isaiah 42:1 , God specifically mention My Servant Ahmad)

    In Isaiah 42:1, it is deemed not a coincidence upon seeing the writing of both אתמך (Atmc) אחמד (Ahmd). And the word before אתמך (Atmc), is עבדי (Abdi~My Servant). For indeed, it is indicating Ahmad; Abdullah (Ahmad; Servant of God).

    Not to mention אתמך (Atmc) happen to be a special term foretelling the coming of a righteous man and is used only ONCE throughout the entire Book. [could this be a copying error or an intended error?]

    The prophecy tells about Ahmad; ‘Servant of God’ whom will war to correct the wrongs and bringing judgement based on the law of God. He will liberate act of worshiping molten images and thus Arabia (wilderness desert, villages and cities) will glorify God since then. As can be seen today, Arabia are worshiping,praising God and singing words of God daily. Inhabitants from all around the world gather there and voice out aloud their praise to God.

    And we continue reading Isaiah 42:18 – 25; God remind the ‘blind and deaf’ about the wrath of God towards Children of Israel, who neglect the message brought by past Servant of God.

    And not to repeat; the same mistake upon the coming of the new Servant of God
